Friday, December 02, 2005


If you have ever doubted it, here’s the evidence. And yes, I got to smell his sweat.
(click on the Elvis link – it may take forever but you will not regret the wait)

He has had a lot of work done and it’s safe to say he no longer has his own hair but Elvis is still alive and crooning. As you can see everyone was is disbelief, having to turn away from this God of our times. They didn’t seem to want to go near the vision, but I was the chosen one. He touched me and my outfit miraculously turned into a wondorous wedding dress. He sang to be so beautifully in my face that I seriously began to consider if I had married the right man.

Ladies, how can you say no.

And please everyone - forgive him his costume. I mean his family have gone and sold all of his fabulous suits to the plebs on ebay. He had to improvise and I believe he did an excellent job. The tin foil on red terry towelling was stunning and set off beautifully with his use of orthopaedic clogs. I wouldn't be surprised if we see identical outfits on the runway for the Summer '06 season. Watch this space.

He is a God. Long live the king.

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