Sunday, July 09, 2006

And it begins

My journey towards teaching has begun. I have successfully completed three days of training. Icebreakers are over, the role-plays have started and my nerves are not going away. I still feel equally terrified and excited about the whole thing. My fellow fellows are great so far – I am in a group of 20 people from all walks of life; a university lecturer, a wannabe MTV VJ, a policeman, a food cart owner to name a few. I suppose I feel a little out of my depth right now, which is natural as I have only four weeks to learn the basics of teaching.
I have also not secured a placement yet. Two interviews down and two nos. Obviously this is only the beginning, but I can’t help feeling I would feel so much better if I had a job sorted out. I will have a teaching position in September, that is guaranteed, I would just much rather choose it than be given it. But it is still very early days. Watch this space.

Changing the subject completely. I have an only in America moment. On Friday night while innocently chowing down a “Carne Enchilada”, I saw a sight I hope I had to share. A van drove past advertising its owners “blood and blood component “ cleaning business.
I am living in a city where someone was watching the umpteenth report of a Philly murder on the local news and had a revelation – starting a cleaning business specifically for blood. The blood I can just about handle, but blood components – the mind comes up with some pretty Tarantinoesque

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