Saturday, July 11, 2009

The joys and woes of pregnancy

Before this moment in my life spins past and I'm consumed with being a mother, I want to remember some of the high and low points of having this baby growing inside of me.

Joy #1

There is a growing baby in my belly. It amazes me each time I look down at my ever-expanding mid-section. Only a few layers of skin and muscles and there is a little girl who has grown from nothing into a person complete with fingernails, eyelashes and taste buds. I imagine her enjoying rocking from side to side as I walk the dog and listening to me talk to her during the day. I cannot wait for her to arrive, but having her in-utero is consistently wonderful and while she is in there she is all mine!

Woe #1

I can no longer find a comfortable position. Sitting up can last for about 20 minutes and then it feels like someone has lodged a brick underneath my ribs and keeps moving it further and further up. Shifting position can help for a little while and then the brick-layer returns. Last week's road trip to North Carolina was not much fun. Standing up isn't so hot either. When I stand the magic comfortable 20 minutes passes quickly and then the skin over my stomach begins to feel like an elastic band that's been stretched and is about to be twanged.

Joy #2

The first homework assignment from the birthing class was to count kicks. You are meant to feel 10 kicks in a 2 hour period. I have been counting kicks for about two weeks and each night I have counted 10 in about 5 minutes. She is one active bambino and I love it. I place my hand on my belly and I get a welcome kick/punch/hip bump who knows. Some people have said they can tell what body part is making which movement but I have no idea. I'd like to think that the "bricks" in my ribs are her feet - but that might be me wishful thinking on my part. When I'm on my side in bed, my belly can resemble a bag of popping corn. There are moments were she makes me flinch her movements are so intense.

Woe # 2
The noises from my bottom that I now produce are unbelievable. Juicy, loud, full-bodied. I have to laugh at myself everytime a new one makes its debut. Amazingly and thankfully there is no smell. I'm hoping that this lady-like attribute stops after she is born.

Joy #3
My stupidly thin hair tends to be incredibly greasy. I have to wash it daily to avoid the fried chip look. But now, thanks to this baby, my hair is looking great. It is thicker and I don;t look like I'm drowning after 24 hours. I realize that this is defnitely not going to continue, but I am loving every dry, glossy folicled minute of it.

Woe #3
In the first trimester, I would be in bed at 7.00pm. There was no choice, I was done and needed every minute of sleep I could get. Now in third trimester, the tiredness is back and I'm not giving in to it so easily. I am annoyed at how little I seem to be able to do without needing to sit or lie down. Walking the dog can be a struggle! But I'm trying to stay active so when I step on the scale at the doctor's office I don't have to gasp at my weight gain. I have gained 22 pounds so far...right on track, but it needs to be managed. My doctors has said that I won't be a member of the 80 pound club! But I do have to see a line graph that tracks my weight gain and get a mild scolding if it is too steep. The problem is that food is just tasting too good right now - especially the dreaded crisp.

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