Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Come sleep with me"

R. is blossoming from a introverted, observant toddler into a gregarious, funny, willful toddler. At 8.00pm tonight we stopped our movie "Beginners" because of this:
"Mummmy, mmmmuuunmmy, mummmyy"

Up the stairs I go.

"Mummy, get in bed"
"You want me to lie with you"
"Yes, get in bed"
I lie on top of her bed.
"No, under the blanket"
"I'm not going to get under the blanket, I'll lie here and we can read a book"

I love that I can have a conversation with my little girl, a conversation that she has initiated, a conversation in which she is rying to manipulate me slightly.

T. meanwhile, is still not quite understanding the concept of sustained sleep. Last night he was up every hour. It can only get better.

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