Sunday, February 12, 2006

Let it snow let it snow let it snow

I woke up this morning and there were 18 inches of snow on the ground. 18 INCHES. Six in the UK is more than enough to cause traffic chaos and days off for everyone. And it’s the cool powdery, perfect-snowball type snow - not any wet, sludgy pretender snow. I have felt like a child all day, it’s impossible to fight that urge to try to throw a hard ball of snow into someone’s face or get it down the back of their clothes. And you have to make a snowman. Frosty is now proudly standing guard in our back garden, complete with half limes for eyes and beer cans for buttons – but now it’s dark I keep scaring myself thinking someone is standing out there. But, I’m guessing tomorrow, when I actually have to leave the house, the snow isn’t going to be that much fun.

Tomorrow morning I get the results of my second math test in 7 years. I am taking two maths courses, algebra and statistics at a community college (to qualify to teach in Philly you have to have two Uni maths courses). Last week I took an algebra test and I failed. A serious wake up call – I was thinking that it would be easy. I don't fail!!!!!!! Luckily statistics seems to be easier. My teacher is a man called Dr. Bumble, he’s at least 92 and totally lives up to his name. For the first 10 minutes of every class he tells us about all the companies he worked for in the 1960s – his apparent heyday and how to succeed in getting a job.

The whole thing has reminded me of how much I hate maths. There is a switch in my head that turns off the intelligence when I look at an equation. Alongside this I'm taking the Graduate Exam (GRE) in a couple of weeks that comes complete with a juicy maths section. Has the world gone mad!!! The humanities are just so much kinder - you can say whatever you want and as long as you do it in legible English your going to pass.

OK, it's so cold upstairs that I can't feel my toes. Love you all.

Listening to: Kanye West rage

Thinking: how the hell do you work out if 15 men and 12 women are in a room and an equal number of men and women enter the ratio becomes 7:6. How many women have entered the room?

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