Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bad blogger

Over the past few months I have pushed myself further than ever before. It is pretty obvious that up before September 7th 2006 my life was ridiculously easy. Little stress, worry, responsibility. Things have changed. I became a teacher. Eighth grade English, 120 students in three classes, 85% reading below grade level. A challenge in anyone’s book, but added to that is the fact I had, and still have, no idea what I am doing.

I have failed to write down any of the numerous stories of craziness and trauma that I have struggled through in the past three months, but I am hoping to change that. I feel it is incredibly important for me to record what I am going through every day to both help me improve in the short term and reminisce in the long term. Right now I am terrible. The class is completely out of control and I feel learning does not happen. I face kids who seem to just not want/care if they learn to read. Read. I face others who are plain crazy. I face disrespect. I face some complete sweethearts who really try. I will write about them all and my responses as honestly as I possibly can.

1 comment:

Rayanne Graff said...

I can't wait to hear some of your stories - my imagination can't wrap itself around the craziness that must be 120 inner-city students and a brand-new, no experience, teacher.

Also, niiiiiiice photo, drunkard!