Monday, December 18, 2006

No voice no power

I took my second day off last Friday. I did feel slightly ill, but really I just wanted a day off. I'm calling tghem mental health days. Sods law is that now I;m really ill and have to go to work. Today I pretty much lost my voice. Not good when your trying to control 36 kids. But. the kids seemed really concerned "Ms. Lloyd are you sick?" "Ms. Lloyd I'm going to buy you some medicine.", "Ms. lloyd, I'll get you a get well soon card."

Unfortunately not a lot of work was done. But that is always the case.

I learned today that my classes will be reduced from 41 to 35. I'm scared that I have been leaning on the fact things are so bad because the classes are so big. If the class becomes smaller and it is still bad, then what is the reason????? Me?

1 comment:

Rayanne Graff said...

What's happening to the six kids in each class? Are they to be mysteriously removed overnight, at random?

They sound sweet though -- when my dad was a teacher and his bike got stolen his class offered to procure him a new one...i.e. steal someone else's for him. At least your lot are offering you medicine and cards!