Friday, July 01, 2011

Gratitude Journal 13

1. watching my little girl become more and more independent. I'm very gradually becoming surplus to requirements.
2. ice cold water
3. putting my knitting projects on facebook. I had put it off for days with worries about seeming very nerdy, but I'm enjoying creating these projects and I want to show them off!

I'm sitting in the playroom floor. Next to me, Rose has been threading wooden beads onto a shoestring for fifteen engrossed minutes. It is an absolute pleasure to watch her. I have been worried about her being too clinging, needing me every second of the day. I'm seeing her discover her own interests and curiosities. And, it seems like I may actually be able to do something else while she is playing. I'm writing this, and she is playing around me. I feel a mixture of joy at her growing maturity and relief about my own growing personal space.

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