Friday, July 29, 2011

The end of teaching: A gratitude journal

An hour ago I taught my final summer school class. I have had a great four weeks teaching 30 7th graders and now I'm all done. Ahead is a couple of years of being a Mum with Rose and our little guy, not being in a classroom. I don't know whether I will ever be in a classroom again. I'm at the end of a five year adventure and amazingly I feel sad.

Teaching gratitude
1. Not quitting in the first year. Looking back, I was in an insane position. I knew nothing about teaching, middle school students, kids in Philadelphia and I was in front of three classes of over 40 students. I remember my academy lead coming in my room in October and yelling "You've got to stop that hollering!". But, in March, she came back, sat down and said "You have turned it around, you have done a 180."
2. Lasting five years. There have been so many evenings and weekends where I have trawled job advertisements for anything other than teaching. I have cried while planning and woken up in panics night after night after night. I lost almost 15 pounds in my first year. The job is all consuming, and I'm very proud of myself for doing it.
3. Making the decision to leave. There are things about it I hate, but there are some things I like and I think I am good at. But, at this point in my life I am going to focus on my kids. I am going to be a Mum who can go to the playgroups, help at nursery school, read to them every day, make Montessori toys. I'm going to be a Mum for my kids. When they are at school, then I can decide whether to go back.

Teaching, so long for now. I may see you again.

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